Morgridge Endowed Chair

Effective teachers are the most important resource in promoting student success. The Morgridge Endowed Chair Office (MECO) is dedicated to advancing educator effectiveness and student outcomes by supporting research and applied professional development.

MECO supports scholarship that enhances knowledge, skills, socio-emotional development and problem-solving for pre-service and in-service educators and their students, aligned with the values and priorities outlined in the College of Education’s Strategic Action Planning Framework (PDF).

Knowledge-building and innovation in the context of collaborative partnerships with regional schools and agencies takes time and resources. Consequently, MECO prioritizes support for College of Education faculty conducting field-based projects in these settings with researcher-practitioner partnerships.

MECO also supports studies intended to enhance the effectiveness of education leadership and related service providers.

Professional Educator Research Strands

MECO supports systematic research in areas that influence teaching and learning processes and outcomes in formal and informal settings across age/grade levels and across subject domains. These research strands include issues impacting the educator pipeline:

  • Recruitment and preparation of educators for a diverse and inclusive workforce.
  • Induction and retention of educators for equitable education of all students.
  • Enhancement of in-service educators’ domain knowledge, skills, problem-solving, leadership and use of advanced teaching tools that positively impact student outcomes.
  • Advancement of socio-emotional development, self-regulation and self-efficacy for workforce and students.

Contact Us

Morgridge Chair Office
Gabel Hall 155B
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115


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